Vitaminwater: What Happens with Corporations

>> Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Macro photograph of coca-cola bubbles.
Image via Wikipedia
Once upon a time, there was a company called "Glaceau" (it technically still exists as a subsidiary - but more on that in a moment) that created SmartWater and later came out with FruitWater, and then VitaminWater. I remember when I first saw FruitWater; it tasted good and had no calories because it had no sugar. I'm still not entirely sure, mind you, how they got the flavor and I suspect even though it was "natural" that it was actually junk but this is also not the subject of the moment. What was interesting was that this drink became popular and it had no sugar.

Later on, the company was sold off for millions and billions of dollars as it eventually wound up in the hands of Coca-Cola. FruitWater's follow-up, VitaminWater, was essentially the same thing as FruitWater but had a lot of added sugar and some synthetic vitamins added. VitaminWater really became popular, ultimately because people believe it is a healthy alternative to soda pop. It's still popular to this day, but are you aware that Coca-Cola itself is already on official record as saying " consumer could reasonably be misled into thinking vitaminwater was a healthy beverage." brought this to my attention today... but this court case was from a year and a half ago, and consumers are STILL buying VitaminWater, preferring it AS a healthy alternative.  Where is the disconnect in this kind of thinking? I'm a bit torn. I want to vilify the corporation because in general it seems to be simply an artificial person designed with the sole purpose of making money.  Okay, well, that's essentially what it IS, and ... yes, it also appears that most of the words publicized by corporations are really just fancy lies packaged so that people will line up to buy them. However, I say I'm torn because the general public still really DOES just line right up to buy whatever is shiny and new. So whose fault is it? Why don't "we" just STOP buying the junk and become healthy?

What SHOULD happen, to fix this kind of situation, is that corporations should start being HONEST in advertising their products. I personally know that will never happen, so what's next? People have to wake up and read the ingredients. What's easiest? Just stop buying as many processed food products as possible. As Kathleen Slattery-Moschkau said recently in one of her shows, just Nike the hell out of your life and DO IT. Just make the change for yourself, let others know, and spread the information.

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Psychic Lunch was founded in 2009 by a nerd and father who wants people to be healthy. The information on this site is researched, but should be considered opinion; that is, you should always do your own research and come to your own conclusions about what is and what is not healthy. Products endorsed on this site are actually believed in and used by the author.


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